Stockton Chiropractic Clinic Testimonials

Last Monday I spent an hour with Jack Butler. I was worried that I had hip pain after 15 years with no back pain problems like that.

I know that no practitioner has ever listened quite as closely and answered my questions quite as clearly. The physical check-up was thorough and painless.

Jack’s final words and suggestions for what I can do to improve my fitness an so avoid further problems were simple and backed-up with illustrated exercises.

The reassurance and physical work to take forward were exceptional, as is my gratitude.

– Tom Richardson

I found everything about my experience with the virtual consultation very positive. The emails prior to the appointment were so clear and very easy to follow, the consultation was great and gave opportunity to ask any questions or concerns I had about painful areas.

The invoice came through with no problem and payment was very simple. Afterwards, the exercises on your email are again, easy to follow and informative. It must have taken lots of planning, so thank you very much!.

– Laura Murphy

I came here for the first time in August 2017, when I arrived I was in absolute agony due to 3 compressed discs in my lower back, after my first appointment that day with Rosie Pearce and her literally magic hands I walked out of her office completely pain free. I now attend for regular maintenance sessions and follow at home exercises daily. Every single penny spent here is 100% worth it, please book today, you won’t regret it.

– Tara Carter

I have been to see between 30-40 physios in 10 years and I have never found anyone as good as James. He pinpoints the problem by listening, then examining and then sorts it within 20 minutes.

Good service.

– Stephen Odysseus

Having not been able to run for 15 years, my wife recommended that I go for an assessment at Stockton Chiropractic Clinic where she had been receiving treatment.

It worked. I have now just run my 30th 5K park run and am in training for the Middlesbrough 10K. A big thanks to the team for getting me running again.

– Andrew

I have always had fantastic treatment from the chiropractors and reception team at Stockton Chiropractic Clinic.

With recent maintenance care from James Issacson I can now begin to run again – very gently. I’m over the moon

– Anne Oxlee*


* Please note Anne is a former Stockton Chiropractic Clinic chiropractor.

I called the clinic even though I was not a registered patient, seeking help, at the beginning of the Covid-19 emergency. I was in agony at times with a chronic condition that had returned at just the right time!

I spoke with Kerri Stone. What a very fortunate thing it was that I chose this clinic to seek help from. Kerri listened very patiently and then through a very good and careful series of questions and reactions to some body movements I was asked to do, arrived at an understanding of what was going on and suggested some very particular, gentle exercises.

I did as I was told and the relief from pain was astonishing! I still need some formal treatment of course, but as a stop-gap, the help she has given has been absolutely first class.

You can guess where I am going when we are all allowed to see each other again. Thank you Kerri!!

– Steve Wilks

Having suffered with back pain and associated symptoms for over thirty years I have, following a course of treatment, found total relief from pain, increased mobility of movement and improved balance.

Rosie is polite, kind, courteous and the consummate professional. Following a thorough holistic assessment, my personal care plan was formulated and implemented. From being unable to walk from a sitting position, within two treatments I had full mobility restored. I look forward to each maintenance treatment as I feel invigorated and pain free, a wonderful experience after thirty years of pain.

I would recommend Rosie and the entire team at Stockton Chiropractic Clinic to anyone experiencing back or other pain. Rosie has managed to transform my wreck of a back into a functioning pain free spine, and every treatment has been supported by advice, guidance and care which is second to none.

Thank you.

– Chris Parry

I walked into your clinic with two slipped discs in mid-May 2015. I couldn’t walk or stand up for more than a few seconds.

Within 2 weeks you had me standing again and walking upright, 2 weeks later I took a 9 hour flight without discomfort and within 6 weeks of my first appointment I could stand upright for lengthy periods.

After swimming again in July, by mid August I went back to playing golf. Full comfortable movement restored.

My back, I now realise, is now better than it’s been for years.

Thank you for this and the reception toffees too!

– Gerald Williams

I had been suffering for over a year with extremely painful neck and shoulder pain. My GP diagnosed spondylosis and I was advised to take pain relief medication.

As the pain steadily worsened, it impacted on daily living more and more, restricting my independence, i.e. I was unable to turn my head to the left and so could not reverse the car out of the drive, gardening was restricted, the gym, etc. and I was feeling pretty miserable.

A good friend recommended I visit Stockton Chiropractic Clinic, as she has been attending regularly and had found the treatment, support and advice superb. Although skeptical, I booked in with Kerri Stone and have been absolutely amazed at the difference she has made, right from the first visit.

Neck movement is back to normal, pain has been reduced, I feel as if I am back in control rather than the pain controlling me. Driving, gardening and the gym are all good.

Thank you.

– Rosanne Delplanque

Following major surgery in February 2015, for the excision of cancer growths on my kidney, approximately one month later I became very ill with viral encephalitis and was in hospital again for a month.

Soon after I began to have pains in my back in the lumbar area. These pains became worse, developing into jabbing spasms which were extremely painful. Ordinary physio gave only temporary relief, so I opted to give chiropractic a try having never had experience of this method.

I was helped a great deal by Anna Papdopoulou, her treatment and expertise, her knowledge and friendliness. Explaining everything clearly, she put me at ease.

I greatly recommend her and the clinic, so worth it! I am improving all the time and getting my life back.

– Roberts Phelps

Before I started coming to Stockton Chiropractic Clinic my back and hips were very painful and stiff and this was really impacting on my work and home life, leaving me quite tired and feeling very stressed. Until you suffer from back pain, you don’t realise how limiting it can be. Anna was very friendly and approachable and listened to me closely.

Within a few sessions I was so much better and coping with work, and able to do more at home too. The relief at being able to get back to normal was immense. I really look forward to my monthly ‘service’ now and always come away refreshed and a lot ‘looser’.

Thank you Anna, and Stockton Chiropractic Clinic.

– Judith Davidson

I first came to see Kerri in September 2013 following headaches which the doctor prescribed Beta Blockers for! Kerri was amazing at reducing my pain (whilst at work) and eliminating my headaches by 98%.

Two years later I still see Kerri for general check ups and we have a strong client/patient relationship but also respect for each others professions. I often refer my patients to Kerri. As a physiotherapist, there can often be a clash of opinions physio v. chiro, however realising scope of practice and working together as professionals brings together a united front of health care.

Practice what you preach! Thanks Kerri.

– Robyn Marron

I was totally amazed that after only two visits to Anna my neck had improved immensely. I was virtually pain free and had full movement back.

Anna’s professional skills and magical fingers had worked wonders. Thank you Anna.

– Anne Heather

Over 5 years ago I injured my left hip whilst attending a gym and water aerobics class. This pain and problem lasted for some considerable time. I was eventually referred for x-ray, ultrasound, and MRI scans and finally taken into theatre for a deep steroid injection into my hip. Nothing could be found and it became apparent that this was something I would have to live with. I began to worry that a hip replacement may be necessary.

I attended Stockton Chiropractic Clinic where Warren initially took the problem on. Then Chris Davies and Rachel Chapman (the sports therapist) took over after Warren left the area. Between them they have worked so hard manipulating and massaging my thigh and hip that my problem has almost disappeared!

I really can’t praise and thank them both enough for all of their time and dedication.

– Ann Umpleby

I started going to Stockton Chiropractic Clinic in January 2015 with terrible back pain. Anna was very thorough in determining the cause of the problem, in a sensitive manner. She explained clearly what treatment would be provided throughout the programme. I have not received such treatment in the past and was very impressed with the skill of the chiropractor.

The treatment has been extremely beneficial. The additional advice linked to appropriate exercise and diet has really impacted on my wellbeing. I highly recommend Stockton Chiropractic Clinic. Thanks Anna.

– Carolyn Hodgson

This is a friendly clinic: staff are kind and help make what can be a difficult experience happier and more relaxed. I’ve been visiting for several years and always return knowing the problem will be sorted promptly and professionally. My questions are answered fully, treatment is tailored to me as an individual and I never feel patronised as an older person. If you can feel ok in what is quite a vulnerable state, this is a sure sign they’re getting it right!

I recommend the clinic unreservedly. My chiropractor is Chris.

– Alda Harding

I was looking for a chiropractor for over six months for my tennis elbow. A friend recommended me to this clinic and I made an appointment immediately. From the very first treatment I felt a lot of difference.

One week later I was able to resume the activity which caused the tennis elbow. It was unbelievable how much difference it had made. In future if I have any injuries I would come and see a chiropractor.

– Zaheer Shahbaz

I had been suffering with my problem for over two years when I contacted Kerri to see if she could help me. At the first appointment, Kerri identified a few issues and she explained how a lot of my symptoms could have been affected by these other problems.

Kerri explained that she would treat me with laser treatment as well as giving me chiropractic treatment on my back and spine. I had the laser treatment twice a week and even after the first two sessions I could feel a significant improvement, the pain had eased dramatically!

Kerri has also offered advice on healthy eating, my diet was terrible, consisting of junk food and up to 8 cans of Coca Cola a day! I knew that I had to change this and Kerri gave me lots of information on ways to improve my diet, she has been so supportive and caring, and this has made me want to change.

I really think the laser treatment is a miracle! I hardly have any pain at all now and I have honestly felt so much happier and healthier since I started seeing Kerri, not only is she amazing at what she does, she is a genuinely caring, kind person!

– Deborah Hunter

I would highly recommend Stockton Chiropractic Clinic. The staff are friendly and professional and the clinic is modern and has a relaxing atmosphere.

I had been off work for 10 months with balance problems, earache and pain in the back of my head. During my illness I had seen seven doctors and been told I had a number of different illnesses ranging from labyrinthitis to brain tumour. I have also seen consultants in Neurology and ENT who were unable to give me a diagnosis.

I had my first consultation with Neil, who completed a full medical history and examination. I found it so refreshing to talk to someone who believed me and listened to what I had to say. Within the first consultation Neil diagnosed Cervicogenic Dizziness.

He started treatment immediately and relief was instant. I have now had 4 sessions of treatment and I feel like a new person. Neil has confirmed I will soon be able to drive again and return to work. Thanks to Neil I now feel I have my life back.

– Pauline Hall

Eight years ago I thought I would never play football again due to my back problem. Eight years later, still playing thanks to the treatment from Chris and the staff at Stockton Chiropractic Clinic. I am still coming as the back ‘pops’ occasionally but they always get me active again. Thank you Guys!

– Brian Rawcroft

Thank you for giving me my life back.

At the age of 50, I began to suffer from piriformis syndrome (a muscular problem in the lower back). Over the next 2 years, the orthopaedic consultant had me on a high fitness programme, I had a great deal of physiotherapy and surgery. I was in so much pain that I had 9 months off work and at my worst I was unable to sit down, walk or drive a car.

Following surgery, which was not totally successful, the consultant recommended that I go to Stockton Chiropractic Clinic. This I did, and Anne worked on me. She got me to a level where I can sit, walk and drive a car for about 100 miles without a great deal of discomfort. I also returned to work.

Although I will never be pain free I am now able to have a full life. I still attend Stockton Chiropractic Clinic and use the services of the chiropractors and masseur, regularly.

– Barbara Hudson

After many weeks of severe back ache and sciatica pain, a friend recommended me to Stockton Chiropractic.

From the very first visit I felt an immediate improvement whereby thereafter, after several visits, my back pain is virtually non-existent and in any case now very manageable.

Chiropractor Kerri Stone offered great advice and was professional throughout. Just like my friend, I have no hesitation in recommending Stockton Chiropractic.

– Dennis Dowen

I would highly recommend using Stockton Chiropractic Clinic as from the very first contact all of the staff were professional, courteous and friendly and the results from my treatments have been life changing.

The reduction in neck and back pain, and migraines has had a hugely positive impact on my quality of life. I have found that as well as the physical treatment, being listened to and taken seriously have also had a major impact on my well being.

– Mrs K Coleman

Five years ago having suffered with chronic back pain for 15 years I visited Stockton Chiropractic Clinic and I am so pleased that I did.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Chiropractic Care I have received from the clinic has changed my life. After a course of treatment I found myself pain free with much improved mobility. Since then I have received treatments as necessary and today I am usually pain free with good mobility. I am fit and am able to cycle, hike and dance, all things that I had given up hope of being able to do again.

Treatments take place in pleasant, modern surroundings. Staff are efficient, friendly and helpful and the chiropractors always explain treatments, which are tailored to meet individual needs. The whole atmosphere in the clinic is professional, kind and caring.

I have recommended Stockton Chiropractic Clinic to many people and I have no hesitation in continuing to do so.

– Bernice Turnbull

Hello my name is Kelvin and I have been using Stockton Chiropractic Clinic for 2 years now. I am a 41 year old warehouse manager with a physical job and a physical interest outside of work.

I kickbox and teach kickboxing in my spare time with all the extra training associated with the Martial Arts. I have been doing Martial Arts for the best part of 25 years and with my daily work routine its best to say I have quite “High Mileage”.

Kerri helps me to keep doing what I love to do in Martial Arts, with treatments and general regular top up sessions I can see myself being able to continue with my Martial Arts development and own wellbeing for the foreseeable future.

I have recommended Stockton Chiropractic Clinic’s service to a number of people I train with, when I see they have difficulties. When they ask what it’s like, after a brief description of the procedure, I always finish with the same roundup, which I still can’t improve on, “It Works” – it is as simple as that!!

– Kelvin Pugh

We have been extremely pleased and impressed with my treatment by Anne Oxlee.

Fast x-ray and diagnosis with noticeable benefit after just the first appointment. Subsequent appointments have seen improvements each time, and the individual care and advice has been first class.

The problem has become so much better far quicker than anticipated, with pain and mobility vastly improved.

I anticipate being back to normal very soon and appointments and maintenance visits will be continued.

We would not hesitate to recommend you to others.

– S.H.

I am a 75 year old senior who has worked most of my working life in dangerous Offshore Oil/Gas installations and then terminating this employment due to serious back injuries (with associated health problems).

I came across Stockton Chiropractic Clinic 8 years ago. Within weeks their professional skills gave me a bounce of life again! And although this bounce of life exists today, I still have the very occasional maintenance treatment at this Clinic.

I can fully recommend their superb services. Thank you indeed for your caring spirit.

– D.B.

I can’t recommend Neil Thomas, chiropractor, highly enough.

After seeing various osteopaths and chiropractors in London, I saw Neil Thomas when I came to Stockton to see parents. My back was bad, the worst it has ever been, I could hardly turn over in bed. Booked in to see Neil, I really thought it was going to take so long to get out of this terrible pain. After one treatment I felt so much better and after two treatments the pain had almost gone.

I’ve now had five treatments and am back to my normal self. Thank you so much to Neil Thomas and the friendly and professional service at Stockton Chiropractic Clinic.

– Sue Hosie

I want to express how pleased I am at the effectiveness of the treatment you have provided for my condition (TMJ dysfunction), affecting my jaw. I am no longer in discomfort for the majority of the time, the soft tissue pain has virtually disappeared and the headache is a thing of the past.

I feel confident that I my condition is manageable and a good quality of life can be maintained.

– Mrs K.L.

Having been recommended to a consultant by Stockton Chiropractic Clinic 3 years ago, I had successful surgery, at the age of 63, for 3 replacement discs in my lower back despite other consultants saying an operation would not be beneficial. Since the operation my recovery and continued well-being has been under the close supervision of Kerri Stone who has ensured my mobility has progressed to a level not experienced by me for 15/20 years. This has enabled me to continue my fitness regime of gym, walking and skiing.

Following a fall on a skiing holiday last year, I had severe problems in upper thigh and hip area. Kerri was able to pinpoint the issue and treat this successfully and I have been on two subsequent skiing holidays.

Currently I have an new problem which Kerri is treating which has resulted in much improved movement and pain reduction over a very short treatment period.

I would have no hesitation in continuing to recommend Kerri Stone and Stockton Chiropractic Clinic.

– Steve Moss

I first approached Neil Thomas with a really painful back. On his first inspection he advised a deeper investigation before proceeding so he could give the appropriate treatment. He proceeded to treat me accordingly, to a point where I was 100% better than when I first arrived. He is very knowledgeable and professional, as are all the staff. They are pleasant and make you very comfortable, nothing is a bother.

Over the years I have been to a lot of chiropractors and would say Stockton Chiropractic Clinic is one of the best.

I would have no hesitation about coming back or recommending them to someone else.

– Andy Gartland

I have suffered with intermittent chronic lower back pain for over 10 years. The pain got so bad that it started to interfere with all aspects of my life and was preventing me enjoying my hobbies, in particular Martial Arts and golf. I had tried many types of treatment none of which gave me long term relief from pain.

A friend then recommended Kerri at Stockton Chiropractic Clinic. I had never seen a Chiropractor before so I did not know what to expect. All the staff were very friendly and professional and within days of my first treatment my back was significantly improved. I was amazed.

Kerri has been brilliant and I am now able to continue to enjoy an active life. I would not hesitate to recommend the services of Stockton Chiropractic Clinic.

– David Wyness

I would highly recommend Stockton Chiropractic Clinic for anyone suffering pain because the staff and treatment are first class and could not be better.

– Mr K.P.

I have been a patient since moving to North Yorkshire from the South Coast in 2002, firstly with Anne and for the past 4 years with Kerri. Previously a patient at various chiropractic clinics since the early 1990’s having been recommended regular treatment as a preventative measure, after being treated for musculoskeletal associated frozen shoulder.

When we moved here Anne was recommended to me by one of her patients. She continued regular treatment to prevent skeletal and muscular problem until I needed emergency treatment. Anne was fully booked so I was given an appointment with Kerri. Kerri has continued to treat me and keep me active so that I can continue with my photographic hobby. My experience at Stockton Chiropractic Clinic has always been positive and I couldn’t wish for better treatment.

– Paula Davies

I have been attending Stockton Chiropractic Clinic since 1993 and have nothing but praise for the staff.

I have had treatment from Anne and Kerri and their professionalism is unquestionable. Equally, the friendliness and attention to detailed administration by Jane and the other reception staff cannot be faulted.

I have no concerns in recommending the clinic to anyone with muscular or skeletal problems. Take them there and leave them there!

– Maurice Heslop

I have been a patient at the Stockton Chiropractic Clinic for some twelve years and during this time the treatment I have received as been outstanding. I have been impressed by the commitment, helpfulness and friendliness of all staff employed there. Specifically:-

  1. The quality of clinical care has been superb with a relentless pursuit of maintaining quality of life
  2. Well informed holistic advice is always available to complement the chiropractic treatment
  3. There is an ambience of happiness and cheerfulness which makes the visit and treatment most pleasurable.

I have also noted the clinic’s preparedness to invest in new equipment and technology – for example, high quality chiropractic benches and most recently laser equipment from which I have received very successful treatment.

All of the above said, it is hardly surprising that the clinic has recently and very deservedly received two much cherished awards in recognition of its excellence.

– Mr S. F.

To deal with persistent, unresponsive knee pain caused by degenerative changes in my knee, Kerri Stone administered laser treatment. This gave a great deal of relief immediately.

At first there were several treatments with only a few days between, but now the effects last over four weeks. A subsequent MRI scan has revealed that the joint and the cartilage were so damaged that I need a full knee replacement in the next three to four months. I feel this makes the effectiveness of the laser treatment quite amazing.

Whilst it would not be a long term solution to the problem, it has given me the ability to achieve everyday tasks with very little discomfort.

– Hazel Stokeld

In my opinion, Stockton Chiropractic Clinic should be listed as the fourth emergency service treating muscular and joint pain/discomfort. I have experienced several types of treatment for back, neck and shoulder problems. I look forward to future appointments as I know how much better I will feel as a result. I cannot recommend them highly enough.

– Mrs K MacLean

When I first came to the chiropractor I was apprehensive as I thought my back could never be fixed. After around 3 weeks it was much improved and after around 5 weeks was I would say 90% improved.

– Jordan Oxtoby

Have you got problems with your stringy bits (muscles etc)? Go and see them at Stockton Chiropractic Clinic – they are really good at getting rid of the knots etc that cause a lot of the pain. If you are really good they even make you a cup of tea!!!

– Kate Dale