About Chiropractic Care
Common Questions Answered
What is chiropractic?

hiropractic is a profession or specialism rather than a treatment in itself.
Chiropractors diagnose, treat and prevent problems associated with the structure and function of the bones, joints, muscles and nerves of the back. These are problems that may lead to people needing treatment for back pain, back ache and stiffness in the back.
Chiropractors are particularly known for their manipulation techniques (also called adjustments) but they also use many other techniques too.
What areas of the body do chiropractors treat?

t’s not all about backs! While the emphasis is on the spine, back problems can manifest themselves in other areas of the body too.
The body can also compensate for back problems leading to issues elsewhere. Conversely, problems in the leg or arm for instance can lead to spinal problems.
Chiropractic can help people a range of conditions in addition to low back pain including: neck pain, shoulder pain and elbow pain arising from associated musculoskeletal conditions of the back and neck. Chiropractic can also help with migraine prevention, headaches arising from the neck as well as hip pain and knee pain from osteoarthritis.
If you have any doubts about whether chiropractic is for you please do contact us to have a chat with a chiropractor.
What treatments do chiropractors use?

hiropractic care involves a creating a management plan with treatments that will be tailored to the individual patient. Manual therapy is usually at the core.
Manual therapy, for low back pain, is defined by NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence):
- Spinal Manipulation – a low-amplitude, high-velocity movement at the limit of joint range that takes the joint beyond the passive range of movement.
- Spinal mobilisation – joint movement within the normal range of motion.
- Massage– manual manipulation or mobilisation of soft tissues.
Manual therapy is a comfortable treatment that uses the hands that can be modified to suit the individual patient. It may also involve using a gentle instrument called an ‘activator’ and trigger point therapy.
Aspects of your care may also include strengthening exercises, western medical acupuncture, massage therapy/sports massage therapy and podiatry if appropriate, as well as advice and support to help at home and work.
Does chiropractic hurt?

anual therapy practiced by chiropractors is a comfortable treatment using the hands and can be modified and adapted to individual patients and their conditions.
An area may already be tender or painful through inflammation, swelling or bruising but chiropractic manipulation should be comfortable.
Clicking noises may be heard during a manipulation which is perfectly normal. It may sound surprising but is not painful. Joints are lubricated by synovial fluid and gasses are produced as a by-product of its formation. When a joint is manipulated the gas can be released – hence the popping sound.
Who is chiropractic suitable for?

ecause chiropractic care involves a range of different techniques, and manual therapy is adaptable to individual patients, chiropractic is actually suitable for people of all ages.
Do I need to be referred for chiropractic care?

o it is not necessary to obtain a referral form your GP or other health professional.
Chiropractors are trained sufficiently and are experienced enough to work without requiring support or authorisation from your doctor or a consultant.
With your consent we will always communicate with your GP to ensure your ‘healthcare team’ is operating in a ‘joined up’ way.
Are there any side effects?

fter treatment many people feel no discomfort at all afterwards.
Sometimes people experience tiredness or can be little achy afterwards, perhaps similar to the feeling they would have the day following a mild work out or moderate exercise and this post treatment feeling can last up to 48 hours. Equally many people can feel pepped up and re-energised.
The NHS has produced a table of pros and cons of treatments for low back pain. You can make your own judgement but the cons relating to non-drug, non-surgical based treatments like manual therapy are perhaps preferable to the cons related to the other means of managing pain. You can find the table reproduced in our Help section – Backs and Back Pain Explained under Back Pain Treatment – Pros And Cons.
Your chiropractor will inform you of the risks and benefits of your individual management plan at the initial consultation so you are fully informed before you consent to treatment.
Will my medical insurance or health plan cover chiropractic?

appily the answer is that most health insurance policies and health plans will cover chiropractic treatment. Check with your provider to see if your policy or plan includes chiropractic care.
Is chiropractic provided by the NHS?

adly the answer is that it depends where you live in the UK but, as things stand, chiropractic is not currently available through the NHS if you live in Teesside.
Is chiropractic regulated?

es it is. Chiropractic is regulated by the General Chiropractic Council (GCC). All chiropractors must be registered with the regulator – the General Chiropractic Council (GCC), to practice legally in the UK.
To register with the GCC they will have undertaken a minimum of 4 years of training and be required to continue to develop professionally during their career.
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